Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

In some ways, I think my childhood resembles more of an incomplete dream than a distant, fading memory. There are things that I can only vaguely remember. Then there are flashbacks that I vividly remember still.

Dad, was very strict in many ways, his punishments could be extremely severe at times. I was on my knees for an extended period of time while holding up a chair over my head - for not finishing every grain of rice in my bowl. By the time I was allowed to stand up, my knees buckled. I'm not sure if that was the proper way to discipline a 10 year old.

Aside the drill-sergeant persona, dad also had a gentle, loving side. We were one of the few families blessed to own a family sedan back in the 70's. As I sat and flipped through the photo albums filled with pictures that had long turned yellow, it sent me back in time.

One by one, the happier scenes came surfacing up. Our many family trips from the Eastern seashores to the Southern regions. Our many weekend feasts in the neighboring seaports. Our many shrimp-catching trips in the creeks that I thought were the best experiences a family could ever have! These memories will always have a spot in my heart.

Yesterday was Father's Day here in the US. Although I didn't mention to anyone, I thought about you, dad. Despite the differences in our ideals and personal belief, there are traits that we share which are undeniable. You had left your footprints in me - and I thank you for that.

Happy (belated) Father's Day, dad. 

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