Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Taking Charge

I’m not the indecisive type, not usually anyway. I may ponder for a few moments before making a decision but my thought process is usually swift. Maybe that’s why my dear Mrs. normally leaves me in charge of making the final decision. Luckily, we very seldomly have arguments because of a poorly made decision. 

Weeks before our Orlando trip, I made an online purchase and bought the Go Orlando Cards. I checked out the attractions listed before making the purchase. It was a no-brainer to purchase these cards rather than buying individual attraction tickets at the gates. There are some big ticket attractions such as SeaWorld, Lego Land to name a few.

Day 2 of our trip, we arrived at SeaWorld shortly after the park had opened. We went to the ticket scanners and proceeded to scan our Go Cards. Error, re-try, error again. The park attendants instructed us to scan our cards at a different kiosk location. So off we went.

We followed the on-screen instructions and tried to scan our cards again, the same error message returned. After several retries to no avail, we sought assistance. “The admission is included in the Special Edition Go Card.”, the attendant told us. “You have the regular Go Cards. You can upgrade them though, but you need to go back to the ticketing agent.”, she continued.

I must have misread the “included attractions” list, I cussed at myself silently. I was still thinking what to do next when my Mrs. said, “Let’s go buy the tickets.”. She began walking back to the kiosks. “We’ll use the cards tomorrow.”, she said. Her decision was quick and firm. I think I actually stood there and admire her for taking charge for a few seconds.   

For the next six plus hours, we had a great time in the park. It was a blast!

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