Thursday, March 3, 2011

Boys will be boys

"Hi-ya, take this!" my younger son moved towards his older brother with a shovel full of snow. "Hey, you aren’t supposed to cross the boundary!" my older son yelled at his younger sibling, indicating that he had crossed the imaginary border. The exchange of snowballs took place just outside our garage, with my younger son occupying one side and my older son the other.

Nearly a full week of frigid weather followed by the biggest snowfall of this winter season. Our boys finally got what they had wished for, ~ 8" of snow. Enough snow accumulation for a good snow fight AND snow sledding on the hill, a couple hundred paces behind our home. It’s really not a whole lot when compared to the snowfall in other states. Last January, in roughly an eight hour period we were buried under nearly 16" of the powdery white. While kids had fun rolling in the snow, engaging in snow fights, most of the parents around the block were out doing laborious work.

Our sons had been antsy since the first sign of snow, a few weeks before last Christmas. I had pulled out the sled board and snow tube, ready to hit the slope. I’m not sure if the hill in our community was built for the purpose of snow sledding, it sure has brought a lot of laughs and giggles as kids line up on top of it every winter.

The hill doesn’t have a steep incline, perhaps 15 degrees or so. The slope is quite long, my guesstimate is ~ 400′ at the very far end. No one has made it all the way to the end though. After a few good runs, the snow is usually packed and flat enough for a good slide, easily 250′ down the slope. So far we have made three trips up the hill this winter. Perhaps a few more trips before spring arrives.

original post date: January 11, 2010

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