Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Holiday season is upon us, it’s now roughly two weeks before Christmas. While many have completed their shopping, such as myself, there are always the procrastinators. If the best human natures are brought out in times of need, such as after a disaster strike, many of the worst human behaviors are brought out during the shopping season.

In the US, the biggest shopping day is no other than the infamous Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving. I’m not sure how the origin came about, but I do know that this particular day often brings out the ugliness, rudeness in people. A year ago, a store worker was stampeded to death when the mob stormed in at store opening. Fist fights ensued among shoppers, some took place in the parking lot.

The usually orderly shopping malls with casual shoppers during the year, now become the battlegrounds. Long lines of traffic at every mall entrance, often blocking the intersections. You can honk all you want, people just don’t care. The fun doesn’t end there mind you, it has just started! The parking lots are where the real fun begins! Parking spaces are scarce and vehicles aplenty. If you think playing the musical chair is tough, you are in for a shock when you circle around like a land shark for a parking space. Chances are, there are at least 20 cars going around just like you. Words like "courtesy", "manners" no longer exist in the shoppers’ vocabulary.

Shoppers at the stores look more like competitors. They race to the discount sections, dive head-first into the bargain bins. Don’t bother with "Excuse me, I got it first!". Unless an item is already in your shopping cart, it’s a fair game to all. People from some states in UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand know all about the Boxing Day. You want to fill up your Christmas stockings, you have to step into the ring, literally!

Why do our worst behaviors come out during one of most celebrated times of the year? Again, I don’t know. The very same people who engage in the store tug of wars, are those who you greet everyday. They may very well be your neighbors, co-workers, and perhaps, church members. You find out that Mr. Niceguy really isn’t so nice after all.

I’m thankful for modern technology. I do nearly all my shopping the same way I’m posting this article, electronically. No traffic congestion to the mall, no parking lot wars, no scuffling with other shoppers, no mad dash to the check-outs. I won’t say that I’m among the good, but I’m certainly far from being the bad and the ugly.

original post date: December 9, 2009

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