Thursday, March 3, 2011

Food for Thought – 2

"I could ask
someone but then at the same time, how hard are you going to work for something
if every time you get in trouble somebody catches you? I did something to put
myself in this position I have to work my way out of it."

- UFC fighter Pat Barry

Very well said! UFC stands for Ultimate Fighting Championship, a free form mixed martial arts, kick boxing, no-holds barred, sanctioned fight. I actually didn’t expect statements like these from a guy like Barry. Okay, so I stereotyped a little, but how many guys that take up this kind of profession have both the brains and the brawn?

Anyone can be down on his / her luck from time to time and it’s perfectly all right to ask for assistance. Life without a few hurdles would be too boring, wouldn’t it? I don’t know how Mr. Barry got himself cornered financially. Apparently prior to his winning bout he was living on rice and ketchup and was about to be evicted from his apartment. Luck was on his side this time, all $140,000 of it.

Disregard the fact that he dug himself a big hole, perhaps due to bad personal investments. I applaud to his perseverance. He might have been down, but he still had his pride, his dignity. This is the type of mentality I want to instill in my two sons. As much as I want to be there to lend a hand when they fall. I believe it’s better that they learn how to get back on their feet, on their own.

original post date: November 6, 2009

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