Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another Step

Another Step

I was there,

the moment you arrived in this world.

I cradled you in my arms,

ever so gently for your first bath.

I sang softly to you,

"Rockabye baby .." and watched you sleep so peacefully.

I took your hands and held you up,

as you gingerly took your first steps.

There are many, many fond memories we have shared;

in the short eight and a half years that you have entered my life.

As you continue to grow and flourish,

mom and I will continue to be by your side.

We are very proud of all your achievements and accomplishments,

they truly are nothing short of astonishing.

Seeing you receive your promotion couldn’t have made us any prouder.

It’s another step you have taken in your young life,

only this time,

you have taken us with you.

Thank you son!

original post date: November 26, 2009

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