Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions – 2010

I don’t think I’ve ever done a list of New Years resolutions, should I make one this year? Unbelievably, it’s already the 4th day into the new year. Should I lose a few pounds? Go to the gym more often? Start a new diet? Devote more time to community service? Pick up a new hobby?

My mom already said that I’d look like a skeleton if I get any thinner, so that first item is out the window. Hit the gym more? Face it, I’m not a young pup anymore let alone being a gym rat. During my last full physical I was told to "Come back in a few years.", which, led me to believe that I have a relatively healthy life style, diet.

When spring comes around and throughout the year, our boys and I will be out help with upkeeping our community. There are several common areas including a playground within close proximity that can always use some TLC. Being out there picking up litters and recyclables not only helps maintain a cleaner living environment, it also teaches our sons a sense of responsibility and provides the opportunity to stay active physically.

I’m not so sure about picking up a new hobby. If I do, what should I choose? Start doing cross puzzles? Knowing myself, I won’t last 10 minutes doing it. Learn how to cook? bake? The kitchen is my wife’s domain and it’s safer to keep it that way. I’m very content with my "sous-chef" role at home. Pick up a book or two? With my jam-packed honey-do list which continues to grow, time is a scarce commodity.

It looks like I have an excuse for just about every listed clause. The best resolution for me, is not to have one. I don’t know for sure, but it seems like a lot of people fail to keep their own promises sometime within the first two months after the New Year.

For this new year, I think I’ll just stick to the basics. I’ll help out my wife as much as I can. Maintain the interactions and close relationships with our sons. Hopefully I can cross off a few items on my to-do list. Take family on a few family trips, first up – Taiwan in March / April. That looks like a pretty good list to me.

original post date: January 4, 2010

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