Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sweet Justice

Every Monday I get to work early, sometimes as early as 6:30 am like
this morning. I was cruising down the Highway at slightly above the
speed limit when I saw a car gaining up on me very quickly on my rear
view mirror. The driver must have been driving at 20 miles above the
speed limit.

There were two cars in the two lanes next to me going at about the same speed so I kept my pace and didn’t change lane. In a matter of a few seconds that speeding car was right at my rear bumper, a full size SUV. It was around 6:15 am, how big a hurry could this person possibly be? I thought to myself.

I was going to change to the next lane as soon as I passed the next car then
the SUV turned on the high beams on me. Damn! I couldn’t see at thing
in my rear view mirror! Then the driver pulled almost 1/3 car width to
the left, I was able to tell the driver was a man, wearing a baseball
cap, there was no one else in the vehicle. I was ticked off by then.

I was going to speed up, change lane so he could pass me, heck, not
anymore! I dropped my speed to that of the next two lanes. Sure
enough, dude got pissed and was about to pass me from the left – a
non-driving lane! At the last second he changed his mind and shot two
lanes to the right, towards an exit. Only he didn’t exit but cut
everyone off and now he was in front of me and pulling away fast. He
must have been driving at at least 75 miles in a 55 mile zone.

Drivers in all three lanes, including myself, were angry at his maneuver when
out of nowhere a flash of red and blue raced behind the speeding SUV.
It was a highway patrol, hahaha, now that’s sweet justice! Let me add,
swift, sweet justice! I’m sure that fine is going to be hefty!

original post date: July 14, 2009

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