Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I left Hope, Arkansas this morning at 4:40 am, heading up Little Rock National Airport. It’s been over four days since I’ve been away from home – my family. Although I called home every night during the week, but hearing my wife’s, sons’ voices weren’t really enough. I had been on the road much longer, from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. This time, however, felt the longest. I supposed it was because I was out in the country and there really wasn’t anything to do. Adding to the boredom, the thunder storms and pouring rain confined me to the hotel room. There was an outdoor pool, well, more like a kiddie pool. I didn’t want to be out there on the pool deck during a storm.

The only "sightseeing" I did was when I met up with a former coworker (whom was laid off three years ago and had since moved back to Hope) and he gave me a tour of his hometown. We drove around the downtown area, which was no more than 2-3 city blocks. The largest building was a bank, no tall buildings. In fact, I didn’t see many two story buildings or homes at all. John is content with returning to his roots. The 80-foot trailer he now calls home, and the yard that it sits on, are his pride and joy.

John and I had dinner together, we chatted about our families, but mostly, John chatted about his past, his glory days. I didn’t mind John rambling on, after all, I hadn’t seen him for a few years. I picked up the tab before heading back to the hotel to work on my reports.

Several planes have taken off, not sure where they are headed. A few more hours then I get to see my family again. I’m a little exhausted but I know my sons will want to go swimming at the YMCA. Luckily, the weekend is here, at least I have a couple of days to recoup before going back to work on Monday.

original post date: May 15, 2009

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