Monday, March 21, 2011

A story of true love

This isn't a true love story, but a story of true love.

"" a toddler was crawling on the floor at the YMCA where we are members. I was sitting a short distance from the front desk waiting for my sons' Taekwondo class to be over. "", the little guy muttered and continued to crawl. Down at the end of the hallway, I saw a lady walking up with a big smile.

"Be careful, people can't see you!" a gentleman in his late 30's walked up to the little boy and scooped him up with one arm. "See, there is mama, she is coming for you.", he said with a smile. Moments later the dad passed the little boy over to the mom. She held him up then gave him several big kisses. Mom and dad chatted a little before heading out the door.

It was a scene that can be seen everyday, in many places. What was special about it then? From what I could tell, the little boy most likely has Down syndrome, perhaps a mild case. I could also tell that the little boy is the jewel in his parents' eyes despite his mental capacity.

Bless their hearts and the true love they hold for their young son.

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