Thursday, March 3, 2011

New weapon of choice – words

I can’t exactly claim myself as a veteran in the blogging world, four months isn’t long by any means. While I enjoy writing articles on my own blog, I also enjoy reading others’ as well. People talk about a lot of different things. Some talk about their job(s), their hobbies and what not. I don’t really stick with one topic, just whatever comes to mind or something that’s going on in my daily life.

Each blogger has his or her own style of writing. I’d like to call mine "freelance". In the past 10 months or so, I think I have read several hundred postings written by others. Many are quite interesting and some are just … bluh. That’s a new word for "nonsense or boring", I don’t think it has officially made it into any published dictionary yet.

In all my blog entries thus far, I don’t think I’ve used one single quote or passage. I admit that I don’t read as much as others, though I should. Some people on the other hand, like to use quotes and passages a lot. I wouldn’t say on a regular basis but the frequency is quite high. Whether quoting or using a passage from an influential figure, a famous novel or, the Bible (whichever religion that the individual believes in).

The other day I was reading an online posting. Blogger A uses quotes / passages rather frequently. Quite obviously a very well read person. One of his postings was on the subject of "humble" or "being humble". It was a great passage by the way, I’m not sure if he wrote it himself, which would make it superb. A question came into my head after reading the passage. I had mixed feelings about his passage of being humble. Two days before his passage, he made a comment about another forum member, it didn’t really sit well with me.

Forum member A posted several articles that brought about some heated debates, in which, names were called. I didn’t think that was at all appropriate then another comment was made a couple of days after. It was in response to the latest posting by member A. Personally, I didn’t think it was necessary at all. Member A had been battered in the exchange already, why kicked her again when she was already down?

I do have great respect for Blogger A, without a doubt, he is a great resource and a very, very, well read person. But when you pull quotes / passages to criticize another person when it’s unnecessary, it changes my opinion greatly. I had a brief discussion with a very good friend of mine on this topic. We both felt it was sad that things got taken out of context.

It’s OK to disagree with someone. But it’s not OK when you verbally assault someone, in this case, with written words. Aren’t we all entitled to express ourselves freely? Isn’t that what "Freedom of Speech" is all about? If you don’t have something nice to say, it’s better off not to say it. Criticism is fine, as long as it’s constructive.

original post date: September 15, 2009

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