Thursday, March 3, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

I was doing my usual multi-tasking the other night, having a conversation with my wife, watching TV and surfing the net on my notebook. It takes years of training to perfect the techniques, especially the "conversation" part. The truth is, I don’t usually hear everything, but I retain about 85% of what I hear to continue with the conversation. Sometimes I do need to pause from watching TV or surfing the net if a question is thrown at me.

During a TV commercial, while instant messaging a friend online, my wife said something to me that nearly made my heart skip a beat. No, we aren’t expecting a third, although my dear wife so wishes. My better half said, "I read your blog." My jaw dropped, You did what? you read my blog? I thought to myself. Why was that such a big deal? Actually it wasn’t a big deal at all…but I started thinking back all the blog entries I had posted.

I dug deep into my memory bank to "retrieve" the articles from my blog. I hope I didn’t write anything stupid or I’d be in a world of shxt! I didn’t know if my wife had read them all, since there are quite of few of them. I couldn’t really recall everything I had written…shoot! I crossed my fingers that the next thing coming from her wasn’t a pillow or worse, an angry expression. She was cool and calm. I didn’t ask her but I was thinking "And? what were your thoughts about my blog?" The rest of the evening was business as usual, conversation, TV & Internet.

We keep an open communication, she knows that I correspond with quite a few friends online. I didn’t tell her about my blog, not because I didn’t want her to read it. I just didn’t bother. With my notebook on my lap, I quickly went back to my blog and scanned through my own postings. This one was fine, and that one….I flew through the 30 some odd entries I had. I looked for stupid or inappropriate comments I might have. "Whew…none! I’m saved!"

I’m not sure if my wife would become one of my faithful readers, but in case you are reading this. "What’s for dinner, honey?" Wink

original post date: September 18, 2009

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