Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting Old(er)

Sometime in our lives we stop the celebration, for a birthday that is.
For some, it comes sooner than the others. I never did celebrate my
own birthday so all the birthday wishes I have received here on ET2.0
are actually quite "refreshing"!

I can’t exactly claim to be an old
guy, older guy is probably more appropriate. I don’t feel that much
different being 40 something now than when I was in my 30′s. Sure, I
have a few more gray hair but heck, I still have a full head of hair!
I actually feel sorry for some of the young pups that have less than
half of what I have! No offense! And, thank you mom!

I have
decided to "retire" from playing competitive volleyball at the end of
last season. Sure, I’m about a half step slower and the old
grasshopper can’t fight gravity like used to. But the real reason I’m
hanging up my gym shoes is that I just want to spend more time with my
family. I can still play in the open-gym, maybe after taking my kids
for some basketball shoot-around or swimming. My focus in life has
changed, that’s all. I do plan to stay active for as long as I can.

all get older, you can’t fight it! Eye bags, wrinkles are the
accessories that come with age. What you can do though, is to have a
young mind. I’m not saying to go out and chase young girls or boys.
But if you do, make sure they are at least 18 years old! Hahaha….

I’m not sure if I’m getting wiser, but you know, I could really careless. Then again, what do you expect from a crappy old crab?

original post date: July 8, 2009

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