Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hot Pot (火鍋) 4Lus Style

Barely two weeks into the fall season and the temperatures have dropped down to below 60 degrees (15C). It’s normally around the high 60′s to low 70′s at this time of the year. This past summer was actually very cool compared to the last few years we’ve lived in Indy. I figured the unusually cool weather might be an indication of a chilly fall and a bitter winter. A few weeks ago I spoke to my wife about inviting some friends over for a hot pot dinner. We both felt it was better to have one now rather than later on in fall or in winter. The reason was obvious – no one in the right mind would want go out when it’s butt-freezing cold outside.
We had hosted hot pot dinner in each of the past 5 years but none with this many attendees. With a quick headcount, we were looking at about 30 people. We came up with a shopping list and 3 days before last Friday we got everything we needed.
A picture is worth a thousand words, I won’t bore you with my words. I’m sure just by looking at the photos is enough to make your mouth water.
The hot pot party started at around 6 pm, at 8:30 pm we were still feasting. ^^
To make sure all the kids were "happy", I started a fire to roast marshmallows.

The rest of the photos are here.

original post date: October 11, 2009

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