Thursday, March 3, 2011



A quick glance at the calendar on the wall made me realize that Thanksgiving was less than three weeks away. We often hear people say “How time flies!” Really, where did all the time go!? I took a look at a family photo on my desk, a picture we took while on vacation
at Orlando’s Walt Disney World. It was dated October, 2008. 13 months have gone
by since our memorable trip. Wow, time really does fly, no kidding!

The end of the year is upon us, I am a
year older for sure. But am I a year wiser? I wish I could stake the claim but
that wouldn’t necessarily make me wiser, right? I’m not the type to reflect but I do
occasionally pause long enough to have a glimpse back.

Thanksgiving is almost on the
doorstep, to whom should I thank? To what should I be thankful? Did I give this year? Did I
give enough this year? After jogging through my memory bank briefly, I have
reached a conclusion – be thankful.

Thank you, to all my friends, for
sharing with me your silly jokes, life stories. Without friends, the world is a
lonely place.

Thank you, dad, for instilling the
importance of family value in me. “Spend quality time with your family” was the
best lesson you had ever taught me.

Thank you, mom, you are the person
whom I look up to, although I now stand tower over you. “Treat others the way
you want to be treated.” Has been the lifelong motto in which you abide. I shall try to do the same.

Thank you, my sister, for being my
inspiration. No matter how difficult the situation, keep your poise and
maintain a positive outlook. Life sure has a way of working things out.

Thank you, my brother, for showing me
the meaning of excellence. Live to learn, learn to live. You are always the #1
educator in my eyes.

Thank you, my sons, watching you grow
has been the biggest joy in my life. From your first steps to the first bicycle
ride, I have grown with you in so many ways. You are the new chapters in my book.

Thank you, my dearest wife, for being
my best friend, the best mom to our sons and the best care-taker of our family.
There are many, many more “thank you” I want to say but let me sum it up by saying, “Thank
you, for making my life complete.” I’m truly blessed to have you.

original post date: November 11, 2009

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