Friday, March 18, 2011

Farewell to an old friend

For over 16 years you had traveled
with me. Together, we had logged over 183,000 miles. From scenic
ocean routes to bland desert scenes, we shared every stop and every
turn. Side by side, we roamed the hilly American West, and the flat
lands of the Mid-West.

You had shielded me from the scorching
summer heat. You had also sheltered me from the bitter winter cold. We
had greeted many blossoms in the spring. We had also chased many fallen
leaves in the fall.

Through the years I had done the best I
could to ease you from aches and pains, not once you had complained.
Like all journeys that must come to an end, we too, had to part our

Farewell to you my trusty friend, thank you for all the fond memories!

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