Thursday, March 3, 2011

Easy Saturday afternoon

The weather couldn’t have been more perfect in the past couple of weeks here in the Hoosier State. For nearly 2 weeks now, temperatures have hovered around the 70′s to the low 80′s (21C – 28C) with just enough rainfall to keep the sprinklers turned off. This past Saturday was just a perfect day for everything outdoors. It was a little bit cool in the morning at 62F (17C), but ideal to get some yard work done. The town council had planned a two day event and couldn’t have picked a better weekend to do it. The event that took place was Flavor of Fishers, where local restaurants assembled and offered various dishes to the residents and visitors.

Most of you know me by now, where there’s food, there’s yours truly. I didn’t go alone though, we participated as a family. The event took place on the campus of a large local company. It was the first time we participated in a such an event. We arrived at the designated area at around 1:30 pm. There was already a sizable crowd on hand. People strolling in, mostly families with just a few individuals. People young and old came out to enjoy an easy Saturday afternoon.

Aside the different food booths, there were many activities set up, including a center stage where live bands performed. We purchased $20 worth of food tickets – tickets were required for drinks and food items, we then went about the circular, grassy center stage. The event was to help promote local restaurants as well as other small businesses. There were tents set up with freebies – pens, candies, paper goods. We got a loot bag so our boys could store all their free stuff.

About half way around the circular path was a kids activity zone. There were bouncers for kids, football & baseball toss games, basketball shoot-around, soccer goal and a rock climbing wall. My two monkey boys couldn’t resist the temptation and wanted to try out their Spiderman skills on the rock wall. My older son made it just past the half way mark while my younger son made it all the way to the top. It wasn’t all walking and playing, alone the way we sampled a few different dishes.

We shared some deep dish pizza, BBQ’d ginger chicken rice bowl, flavored snow cones, frozen yogurt, fruit smoothie, to name a few. Good food, live music, perfect weather, fun with the family. What more could you ask for?

original post date: August 3, 2009

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